Data Scientist

About Me

When one has the right tools, there is no problem that is too hard to solve. As a data scientist, I believe that I can solve any problem given that I have enough time and the right tools. Having started out as a self taught programmer, I have the drive and ambition to solve problems using modern technologies.
Apart from coding, I spend most of my time indoors, reading, watching series, or playing with my video editor.

Technial Skills






 SEO Google Analytics

 Social Media Strategy

 Data Analystics

 Data Visualisation

 Data Manipulation


While learning how to code by myself, I realised that I needed to a structure so I looked for an institution that would provide that structure. Fortunately I was accepted as a recruit at Umuzi where I learned about Human Centered Design with real life problems.

Inspiration | Ideation | Implementation


The best way to do the work is to do the work

Company: Campus TV

Discription: Student Online Television network

Job:The job was to design a website and also provide some photography

Company: The Brand Studio

Discription: Digital Adverting Agency

Job: Web Design, Photography

Company: Umuzi Recruitment Team

Discription: Recruitment

Job: Fetching and cleaning data from a remote database

Company: Let's Travel

Discription: Travel Agency

Job: Web Design, Phototography and Back End Development

Company/Title: Web Scraping

Discription: Scraping rotten tomatoes website for movie insights

Job: Fetch rotten tomatoes data on box office movies and check if there is a relationship between ratings and revenue

Company/Title: Breakout Game

Discription: The classic breakout game

Job: Built the classic breakout game to practice OOP